Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Darwin --> Noodle House

Welcome to Darwin !!! the top of Australia's Northern Territory~ As ping got two days Easter public holiday off from work & 4 more annual leave off, I flew to Darwin to visit my sister. It roughly takes around 5 hours direct flight from Melbourne to Darwin... Argh~ can't imagine how big Australia is...

As ping arrived late afternoon, ping took a bath & felt more refreshing~ That dinner, We went to Noodle House at Knuckley street in the City.

It is a very normal chinese restaurant but definitely with good variety of chinese food. While waiting for the meals, wakaka ping took some photographs with my family~ This is My Dear Mom & Ping.. Opps, I saw someone's Bald head behind :P

My Dad & Yuin Sis
Here comes to FOOD :P Crisy Chilli Soft Shell Crab... yummy~~
Crispy Chicken~~ Sister's favourite..
Claypot Fish & Tau Fu.. haha Dad's favourite~
Garlic Vegetable...Everyone's daily basic need !!!! :P

Thursday, April 9, 2009

10 Tips for Staying Young

Recently, don't know why ping keep on feeling dizzy & headache. I am very sure that I eat enough, although sometimes i happen to be eating irregularly. So Here I would like to share 10 tips for staying young which a forward email from my dearest Friend, Alex :P
1. I can ignore age for sure, because i am still young 22 years old only... HEIGHT :P ehm i guess ping has no choice.. Anyone who seen my mom & I will know the reason why I am still 151 tall :P WEIGHT~~ argh..it matters a lot to ping... ever since came to Australia, ping has been growing horizontally :P chubby ping needs more exercise~
2. Ehm I guess most of my friends has some or at least a little bit similarity characteristics as ping, that's why how we get into friends or best friends :P Not sure whether am i cheerful enough, need to think more about that...
3. Wakaka, ping is trying to learn Banking & investment stuff recently~ ^.^ trying new cooking recipe as well as now i have more time to do so.. 4. Yeah yeah~~ ping love to do simple things~ coz a simple thing can make ping very happy for days~~

5. I think ping always do that, until my friends keeps on reminding me not to laugh till so over (KUA ZHANG)~ will get wrinkles or probably end up in Tanjung Rambutan ( Mental Hospital).. the last long & loud laugh that ping had was not long ago about my dear's primary school photo...i was guessing & criticising him looking alike monkey.. 6. This one ping agrees !!! Humans life is actually very fragile. We all doesn't know what happens tomorrow, even the next minute is also unpredictable. So While we are alive, love our loved ones & take life seriously..

7. Yeah yeah.. Home SWEET Home~ last time when ping was in Form 2, I always hope to leave my home. Ping always hope i can go outside to stay and become independent, but then ever since ping came over to Melbourne, I start to realise that to become independent, it takes a lot more responsibility. Although once in a while, my brain will still come out with all sort of weird ideas, but i am glad that i always have my family as my backbone to support my decision.

8. Wakaka~ Ehm...I guess ping really need to improve my health. I am the type of person which really dislikes to eat Main meal. My favourite is sweet things & JUNK FOOD :P
9. Ping is already in OTHER country...some more very very far away from Home..Argh, i miss home very much... :P

10. GOT ARH !!! :P i guess once a week, i at least speak to my dearest mom 4-5 times, to My dear almost everyday, to my sister once a week, to my brother once fortnightly, to my Aussie friends fortnightly, to my Malaysia friends from facebook or msn :P
Lastly, wish all my blog visitor Gambate & enjoy your life ya~~ Be happy !!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Idiot Ping

^.^ A few days ago, before ping cut my front hair fringe myself, I decided to take some photos in case i destroy my nice fringe which has almost cover up my eyes. I utilise the webcam function of four Snapshots to take pictures of myself. My two common POSEs.. One is with ping's hand posing "V" yeah~ another one is Bluek :P....

Ping really look like an idiot small kid rite? Anyway after triming my front hair fringe, i look more like an idiot... My hair seems like being eaten by some mice. Wakaka~~ ping dare not take photo of myself now...

Since young, ping always like to cut my hair myself, i even had the interest to go learn hair-dressing.. I coloured my own hair before during 2006 the 1st year when ping came over to melbourne. Really like coloured hair, that time ping even helped my dear to colour his hair. Until recently i only realise that his MOM super dislike and nagged my poor dear during that period. Haiz~ Since then as i have promised my dear, i wont dye my hair anymore..Will keep it healthy ^.^

Anyway just want to cheer my blog visitors up, Smile when see ping ya ^.^ Recently kinda really happy compared to earlier on dull & sad period when ping came back here in February. Glad that now ping has gone through the sadness with dear's encouragement. Take Care, my blog visitors, friends & families.. Miss you all always~~

Saturday, April 4, 2009

幸福的抉择 I Do?

This week, Ping would like to introduce a recent Taiwan Drama 幸福的抉择 I Do?... It is not the best love drama that ping ever watch. However after watching this drama, ping start to realise the reality of love & marriage relationship. Sometimes when we are in love, we are Blind~ Dating needs romance, but marriage needs commitment, patience, tolerance & a lot more. My dad said before When you decide to commit yourself with someone, It will be a whole new journey in your life. In life, there is no limitation in right or wrong. Both needs to find the best balancing way to be together . Love can be sweet, but also can be very stressful & tired when it comes with responsibilities. We often don't trust love & yet as human being, we all wanted to be loved.

Drama Synopsis
男子李 浩哲﹝藍正龍飾﹞祝禱,只祈求對方日子過得好就好,她內心確知那叫「愛」,縱使攝影師JOAN﹝陳宇凡飾﹞如何對她關懷備至,她的心全投在工作上,但她卻 料不到婚紗會把她與浩哲再連在一起,更甚的是,浩哲竟戲劇性地在自己的婚禮上拋下未婚妻簡美莉﹝林立雯飾﹞而牽走當伴娘的SUMMER遠赴他方結婚… 浩哲的親母符明珠﹝楊貴媚飾﹞及繼母任玲玲﹝邵美琪飾﹞同樣對這個被驕縱的兒子無計可施。當浪漫、激情、快樂過後,加上浩哲不斷受美莉的誘惑,只維持了100天的婚姻就此告終。以為一切結束了,兩顆心才驚覺「相愛」原是終生也無法割捨的牽繫…

A wedding dress designer SUMMER fall in love with a stranger HAO ZHE which saved her 5 years ago. Ever since then, she alwas pray for him, hoping that he is happy, living well. Although JOAN, an photographer has been loving & courting her for long, but she put all her heart in her career and never response. However because of her Friend MEI LI's wedding, they met again. HAO ZHE dumped her friend MEI LI and runaway with SUMMER during the wedding ceremony. They happily got married in their honeymoon. The reality world is cruel. When they back from honeymoon, they soon realise they are many things in life that both of them need to learn together. Besides that, MEI LI with a revenge heart and unsupportive from HAO ZHE's mother, their marriage last for only 100 days. They both thought this will be the end, but after been separated, then they only realise how important they both means to each other & being IN LOVE makes them always together....

There are a few lessons that ping learn from this drama that I would like to share out:
1st Thing :
When we are angry or frustrated, we often say things which can be very hurt to our beloved ones. Although we don't really mean it, but when it comes out from your mouth, you just cant swallow it back and treat it like it never happens. Human's memory is very weird. It always likes to remember those unhappy memories rather than the happy ones.
So when SUMMER said the third time of divorce, HAO ZHE end up taking it as real and ended their marriage.

2nd thing :
Don't lie to your beloved ones. Sometimes we don't want to see our loved ones being worried, so we end up lying. However, the moment when we lie, you are already hurting your loved one. The more that we are tried to cover up with lies, it will just be breaking your loved ones' heart into pieces.
HAO ZHE knows SUMMER worries about MEI LI coming back to revenge. He start lying to SUMMER so that she won't be suspecting. He even bought a new pair of wedding ring & switch hers when MEI LI stole his ring away. When SUMMER realise, her heart broke into pieces.

3rd thing :
When we are in a relationship, we often assume that our loved ones know what we are thinking. We seldom say I LOVE YOU to our our loved ones, and doesn't share our feelings. We expect our loved ones to be understanding & perfect, but in reality it is totally opposite.
When HAO ZHE got set up by MEI LI and her new lover, he faces financial crisis in his new business. He thought his wife will be very understanding & expect her to support without explaining anything to her. It causes more misunderstanding.

The 3rd thing, ping actually understand very well, because i also been through the same thing. When my dear said to ping : If i never open my heart to him, how will he able to come into my heart & understand ping? At that moment, I only realise, but i am very lucky becoz the time when ping realise is still not too late.

Anyway this drama has a few nice song,
1. PK by 曹格 & 梁静茹
2. 属于 by 梁静茹
3. 崇拜 by 梁静茹
Tunes to Listen them in the Music Player in my BloG~