Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy new Year 2009~!!!

Welcome to the year 2009 !! for a start, hehe ping wants to say Time Flies !! i really MUST admit this fact~~ Although sometimes i still feel the torture of time WHEN ping need fly back to Melbourne again...I always hate the feeling to fly back Melbourne alone, asking myself the question : why do i need to fly back?? Why do i need to stay in australia?? Can I stay in Malaysia with my family & dear?? Guess my dear's advice works for now... Look Foward and don't turn back to the past!!! Past has already past... We need to look at our Bright Future~rather than complaining...
Yesterday got a bit more time to upload my handphone's images to my computer & found this few photos... It was taken during my brother Hwu & VT sis-law 's registration at KL...It's kinda very busy and tiring day...Althought tat moment ping just recover from food poisoning...End up vomitting in the Car, which scares Dear off...Wakaka...

Ping like this photo very much with the background and both of us posing super nice~~Handsome dear with coat !!! hehe really happy to be together with dear~~I still remember a quotation from a movie ( forget what is it liao..), it says ''The Journey is still long, don't rush to finish walking. If you rush, you might hurt yourself falling down instead...'' I guess it pretty much applicable to our relationship~all Thanks to my patience dear...

My cute dear very serious playing game in my house~ Luckily he still remembers me when he is playing...wakaka if not, need to kick his ass d liao!!!!

In the KLIA airport again...flying back to Melbourne...

Dear, here is my promise~ Wherever I go, I will bring your heart in my heart. Wherever you are, my heart will go with you. Love you always~~Muaks!!!

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