Ping saw my dear friend, Jaeney's survey post. So I decided to post my own survey as well~
Starting time : 3.55am
Name : Ping
Shoe size : 5
What are you wearing right now? : T-shirt, long jogging pants ^.^
Where do you live? : Klang (my hometown), Currently Melbourne
Favorite Number/s : 4, 8
Favorite Drinks : Water, Vitagen, Guava Peel Fresh
Favorite Months : January, December, September
***********Have You Ever***********
Been in a bath tub : YES..But it is a long long time ago~Would like to try again :P
Swam in the ocean: No, main reason: i don't know how to swim~
Fallen asleep in school : Yes, but not always~ School is so interesting, why sleep?
Broken someone's heart : Yes, but never know how hurt they feel~
Fell off your chair : YES, painful experience
Saved e-mails : A Lot~ even save them into PDF files
***********What is************
Your room like: A lot of Books, Materials, White Pinboards, Photographes, Computer technologies stuff & DVDs..It's definitely not like those girlish room, with heaps of clothes and accessories.
What's right beside you? My study Notes, Hard Drive,Calendar, Laptop, Speaker, Bed, Booster & Pillow~
What is the last thing you ate? Biscuits, Udon, Tofu Fish, Tic Tac
------------Ever Had-------------
Chicken pox: I think so~
Sore throat: Definitely YES !!!
Stitches: NO
Broken nose: NO
-----------Do You-----------
Believe in love at first sight? YES, but not so crazy yet, never tried that before~
Like picnics: YES, dear still owe me one.
Who was the last person you danced with? Ehm, does clubbing dance count? went clubbing dance with dear. ehm but last real dance was in 2004, form 5 graduation.
Who last made you smile? Of course, my dear lor..Everyday!!!
Who did you last yell at? Not sure, how does yell counts~ but "emotion argue" yes..& the poor fella is my dear~
----------Final Questions-------------
Hate someone in your family? Never, it's not hate. But use to dislike my father's control freak characteristic.
Diamond or pearl? ehm diamond? what ever as long as it looks nice~& not expensive..
Are you the Eldest? nope, i am the youngest~
-------Today did you-----------
1. Talk to someone you like? YES, by phone~
2. Kiss anyone? No, too far for ping to kiss..does my panda counts?
3. Get sick? No, except can't sleep during the night.
5. Talked to an ex: Nope, was busying doing homework the whole day~
6. Miss someone: This question is pointless, how can ping don't miss?
----------Last person who----------
7. You talked to on the phone? My classmates
21. Have a crush on someone:?My Dear Ding Dong
22. What books are you reading right now? My film screening notes
23. Best feeling in the world: Enjoying & be with my dear~
24. Future kids names? That's a good question~How
25. Do you Sleep with stuffed animals? YES, almost everyday~My dear panda ^.^
26. What's under your bed? Heaps of boxes full of materials
28. Favorite locations: Wherever my dear is~
29. Danced a slow dance with someone you didn't even like? Never~ because i don't give them any chances~wakaka!!!!
32. Who do you really hate? Can't really say Hate, but the feeling of dislike yes!!!! people who is ignorant.
35. Ever liked someone you didn't have a chance with? Yes, for three years~ although a lot of things happened after that, but we still did not managed to be together.
36. You lonely right now? Not really~ maybe because just chat with my dear, & too many homework waiting for ping to finish~
37. What time is it now? My GOD~~ its 4:37am liao!!!! go sleep lor...